

  • You get a generous ½ pound
    bag of fruits, seeds and
    herbs. There are no chips,
    bark, grasses or fillers.
  • The fragrance comes from
    the refresher oils.
  • The ingredients in the
    potpourri allow it to absorb
    the oil more effectively than
    most brands. This keeps the
    oil from evaporating as quickly
    and thus the scent last longer
    (2-3 months).
  • Caring for the potpourri:
    Once a week spray the top with
    3 spritzes then turn the oil
    under so it can evaporate slowly.
  • Without using the refresher
    oils, the fragrance of the
    potpourri will last 2-3 months.
    Each bottle of refresher oil
    will extend the life of the
    fragrance between 3-6 months,
    depending on how often you use
    the refresher oils.
  • The potpourri itself will
    look attractive for 2-3 years.

All of our potpourris are made with dried fruit and hand
sliced, and are consistently produced to give the strongest and
longest lasting scent available.

Click on photos below to view full size.

Apple Jack (cinnamon)

Ingredients include: apple slices, cinnamon sticks, curly pods, twisty pods, bakuli pods, omorica cones, casurina pods cocoa petals, windmills.
½ pound bag Price: $12.00 (plus Tax & Ship.)
Click to Order


Orange Blossom (citrus)

Ingredients include: orange slices, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, pearly everlasting, keysu flowers, orange velvet flowers, orange ring pods.
½ pound bag Price: $12.00 (plus Tax & Ship.)
Click to Order


Santa Fe (pumpkin, almond, vanilla, and spice)

Ingredients include: Indian corn, sponge mushrooms, bale nuts, okra, pomegranates, twisty pods, spina christi.
½ pound bag Price: $12.00 (plus Tax & Ship.)
Click to Order

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